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Wilson Elementary School is a K-3 school, comprised of approximately 360 students and 52 faculty, staff and administrators. Wilson School, nicknamed "The Castle on the Hill" is a neighborhood school located in Sayreville, New Jersey. We are proud to be a small school with bright students and caring staff. 

The mission of Wilson School, a kindergarten through grade three elementary school, located in Sayreville, New Jersey, is to provide a safe and nurturing learning environment, where academic, emotional, social, and physical needs are cultivated daily. Students are encouraged to accept and value themselves and others. We recognize that each child is an individual and has unique learning styles. We will create an environment which focuses on individual student achievement to encourage lifelong learning. This will be established by providing a balanced, rigorous curriculum which fully develops students’ critical thinking skills, problem solving strategies, creativity, and innovation. We are committed to academic excellence and high performance standards as measured by Sayreville Public School District’s goals and objectives. The success of our students relies on the collaborative efforts of our students, teachers, parents, and community who together stimulate students in an atmosphere built on mutual respect for oneself, others, and the world.

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